大正紡績 本社・工場(大正紡績株式会社様)大阪府

大正紡績では、【作る責任】として環境負荷の少ない原料を使い、リサイクル・リユースに努めて紡績を行っています。 また、東北コットンプロジェクトの発起人の一社として、社会貢献にも取り組まれています。
Taisyo Boseki was established in 1918 at Senshu area of Osaka. Their thread made of organic cotton is weaved under the strictly controlled ambient environment of appropriate temperature and humidity for each process. Taisyo Boseki have targeted Their environmental-friendly business model like reducing CO2 emission, for 20 years as a pioneer of many companies. As the result, it decided to adopt high efficiency Ebara centrifugal chiller using Low-GWP Refrigerant as the facility for contributing to environmental preservation in replacing their aged centrifugal chiller. Not only about their facility, but also Taisho Boseki manufacture their own product by using the recycled and reused material and the one with low environment load as the manufacturer responsibillty. It also positively contributes to social responsibillty as a founder of Tohoku Cotton Project that support affected area of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
機器 | 納入型式 | 能力 | |
冷凍機 | ノンフロンターボ冷凍機 | RTBA040 | 1413kW×1基 |